Paper Supplies
We take great pride in our record of customer satisfaction. Every effort is made to deliver consistently superior service at competitive prices to all our valued customers. With an extensive array of Drafting and Auto-Cad supplies and equipment from all of the leading manufacturers we stand ready to serve all the needs of the Architecture Engineering and Drafting Professional.
- Canon Inkjet Printers and Supplies
- lnk-jet/ Printer Supplies
- Architectural Drawing Supplies
- Templates
- Cutting Tools & Trimming Boards
- Ruling/ Measuring Devices
- Paper, Drafting & Drawing Media
- L arge Format Small Format Copies
- Pencils /Sharpeners &Erasers
- Pens / Lettering Equipment
- Tapes /Adhesives/ Fixatives
- Portfolios / Cases / &Protectors
- Surveying Equipment & Supplies
- Office Supplies
- Mounting, Laminating
- AutoCAD Conversions
- 24″ X 50 YDS – $13.95/ROLL
- 30″ X 50 YDS – $14.95/ROLL
- 36″ X 50 YDS – $15.95/ROLL
- 24″ X 500 FT. – $21.95/ROLL
- 30″ X 500 FT. – 24.95/ROLL
- 36″ X500 FT. – $25.95/ROLL
Prices do not include sales tax or delivery, Prices Are subject to Change